
Friday Night with Fresh Prince

Ok, so really it was like 15 minutes with the Fresh Prince, but who's counting. I didn't expect to find myself jamming a camera in Will Smith's face on Friday night, but I'll take it! Will and Sony Pictures came to town for the red carpet premier of his new movie "Seven Pounds" and decided to donate a slew of turkeys and a bunch of food to my work. SO....we were invited to the festivities, which meant Tim, Dude and I got to stand in the "VIP" area and take pictures of the man. He really does love his fans. He spent at least 45 minutes taking pictures with everyone who wanted one.
Of course, my boss, who had to ask us who Ben Affleck was when he came to our warehouse, got to accept the check from Mr. Smith, shake his hand and do whatever else he could fit in while being 2 inches from him. Oh well. I'll accept my role as the food bank paparazzi any ole' day. Dude however, could have cared less about the star appearances but LOVED the big speakers and flashing lights.


matt said...

How was the movie?

Caryn said...

Whoa, I am sooo jealous!! I love Will Smith!

Anonymous said...

How fun is that! My old newsroom coworkers were all atwitter after he showed up there the other day as well.