
Half Way to 60

On January 12, 1979 my mom went in for a check up and started having contractions in the elevator. She went to the hospital immediately given the huge blizzard about to smack down on the Chicago metro area. Dadio raced over and the doctor eventually arrived on cross country skis. I entered this world in the blizzard of the century, which should have been telling for the dynamic I would bring to those around me.

Oprah always tells me (and a billion other viewers) to embrace your age. 50 is the new 30, she says. So I guess 30 is now the new….15? Well, I feel older and more mature than 15 most days, so I've chosen to fully embraced my official new age. Below is a quick 4 photo flashback for all of you who haven't been blessed to see me in all my glorious stages.

Little tyke me. Don't mock my dumbo ears...I grew into them.
Kind of.

This photo symbolizes my mushroom stage. Mom curled those silky locks every morning! And I flinched and burned my ears half of those mornings.

Ah yes. The perm. Enough said.

Cara has loved me unconditionally through our years, mullet or no mullet.

Turning 3-0 was a GREAT excuse to have a kick-ass (sorry, that’s really the only verbiage that truly gets it across) weekend. My hubby and bestest friend isn’t typically what one would call a “planner.” I subtly told him at this time last year that he should start thinking about the big 3-0 soon. Okay, I guess it wasn’t so subtle. Big surprise. It worked though, because my stud came through with flying colors. And then some.

He surprised me on Friday night with a group of 25 or so friends at a local restaurant. That was awesome to see all kinds of people I love together in one room. Saturday we dropped the dude off at his girlfriend Emma’s house for the night and we went on a mystery overnight to the Hyatt downtown. We ate at Bistro Vandome (little corner of heaven), swam in the hotel pool, had nightcaps on the 27th floor and slept in until 10:00am. Doesn’t get better than that.

It was a blissful weekend all around. My actual birthday brought 5 inches of unexpected snow, a 2 hour commute to work and an accident for Tim, so we chose to focus on how great the weekend was. Thanks to everyone for your well wishes and love. I definitely felt (feel) like the most blessed 30 year old girl this side of the Mississippi.


Cara S. said...

Hope you had a good birthday. And, I'm SO glad you included that picture of us on your post :)

Amy DeYoung said...

I'm so glad we got to celebrate our birthdays together! I was fine with the whole 30 thing. However, I'm not so sure I'm comfortable with the term "Halfway to 60".