
Nana-Ween etc.

This post has been a long time coming (ya know, like a week).  Nana popped in for a treasured visit the weekend leading up the Halloween.  With her she brings treasures (superman under-roos, grass skirts, wigs, books, stuffed animal friends...the list goes on like you wouldn't believe). 

This time she brought an extra suitcase just for these little gems.  Let me introduce my favorite item of Christmas growing up.  Mr. Santa, handcrafted by my mom, and his candy canes, black bear and bag.  I giggled like a schoolgirl when she walked down the stairs holding him.  She also blessed us with her homemade witch.  Love childhood mementos. 

Saturday night was decent in the weather department, so we dressed ourselves up and headed to Aspen Grove for some storefront trick-or-treating.  How cute are my black and yellow donned kiddos and their witchy Nana?

Miss Squirt caught on to the trick-or-treat concept mighty quickly.  And also decided that she owned the rights to eat the candy immediately following its arrival into her spider bag.  She screamed her maddest scream after learning that would not indeed be reality.

Can you find my husband?  Bless his heart for wearing that wig.  Many times you will see.

Starbucks time.  Dude's fave.  Squirt and one of her BFF's, Delaney, bonded all the way home.  Cute?  Um, yeah.

Sunday afternoon.....we hosted a Spooktacular Halloween Party for the Syers kids and Oma and Opa of course.  My mom wanted to see them, so this was the perfect way to keep the kids entertained.  We had a few festive activities set up and treats.  I think they all had a spooktacular time.

Introducing the cutest darn fairy you'll ever lay your eyes on.  Ever.

Bobbing for apples kept them busy for quite some time.  Payton was the only one to truly retrieve one, but the boys tried their darndest. Look at Dude's little bootie up in the air.  That's where he claimed to store his "gravity." 

My favorite witch and fairy.  Aren't they a darling duo?  Looks a bit like my mom is casting a spell on Squirt below. 

I've never been so attracted to my man.  I mean, come on. 

Pin the face on the pumpkin was a smashing success.  Patyon "couldn't see" but did a remarkable job of placing the facial features accurately.  As did Brady.  Dude?  Not so much.  I don't think he realized he could cheat. 

Yes, I was a fairy too.  Didn't have a tutu that fit my 5'10" frame.

Sidewalk chalk pumpkins.  They're still proudly displayed on our driveway.

Turns out Opa is quite the arteeeest himself. 

Post partaaaay, the kids hung out back before we headed out to deliver my mom back to the airport.  Sad times.  Always is. 

Love these two.  It's amazing how our kids all look so similar.  These two could pass for bros and Lando and Squirt the same. 

It was a fun Nana-Ween weekend.  We were crazy  sad to see her go but can't wait to see Papa in 2 weeks and welcome BOTH of them back for Christmas this year.  Not to mention a Thanksgiving visit from my older brother, sister-in-law, Kira and my awesome nephews.  We're blessed - to say the very least.  A Halloween Day post is yet to come.  My pillow is calling for now. 


Cara S. said...

Thanks for inviting us to the party, it was great!