
A Performance and Some Sheas

Duder and his church buds entertained the congregation with some lovely Christmas hymns last Sunday.  By "entertaining," I mean just that.  What's not entertaining about watching a bunch of kids either belt out the words, sit down and refuse to participate, stick their entire hand in their mouth, pick their noses etc.  Luckily Dude passed with an average grade of participation, which tickled us pink. 

That night our favorite Sheas came over to deck the halls.  We ate some darn good Pinterest Paninis and salad, had the kids open gifts and took them all, PJ's in tow, to watch the "Dancing House" just down the block.  This house has lights that dance to music on an FM frequency and is the highlight of the Christmas season for the kids in the hood.  Dude about pees himself every time we tell him we're going.  We had a cozy night with great friends who make it seem like we have family right across the street.  Thanks for celebrating the season with us Sheas!   

 The sign had fallen down, which was a big problem for the kids.  Maria to the rescue. 

Look at those faces of anticipation.  I could just eat um all up.