
Awwwee, His Very First Extraction

Dude doesn't like to do life the easy way.  He's all about the challenge.  Even so when it comes to his dental needs.  At 6.7 years of age, our little man had not yet lost his first tooth.  At his dentist appointment last month we were informed that having two rows of teeth probably isn't a good idea for his oral hygeine or his self esteem, thus forcing me to schedule an extraction appointment.  That happened today.  And he was a champ.  A total dental champ.

He knew nothing about what was about to transpire, which turned out for the best.  My white lie was really in his best interest.  He laid in the chair, topped with a TV playing any movie of his choice.  They donned his little ears with headphones, his peekers with shades and went to town.  The ice cream air was placed over his nostrils and he proceeded asking tons of Dude-esque questions and thanking the dentist and his assistant for helping him lose his very first tooth.  I was impressed and uber proud of how chill he was through the entire process.  Luckily he was numb to the point that he was totally unaware of the 2 inch teeth being yanked out of his face.  Those roots were fully in tact, causing further worry that future teeth will need to follow in the shoes of their older sibling teeth.

After a healthy dose of Tylenol, we're back in fully functioning condition.  Dude's sound asleep, dreaming of his tooth fairy friend, Donatello.  Yes, we happened upon a boy tooth fairy.  Don left a sweet fairy like note under his pillow, along with a sweet Ninja Turtle tooth pillow.  Dude followed instructions given to him via Don and wrote a charming little letter in return.  The whole thing melted my heart.  It won't be so melty if this is going to be common dental hat, but for now we'll enjoy it. And our son will enjoy the $10 reward for his bravery in the morning-at 5:00am when he wakes himself up with unguarded anticipation.  

Dear Don, I love you.  I want to keep one of my tooth so tonight pick one tooth to keep and one to bring to your home. so send letter of where your home is.  Your friend, Rylan.  Picture of his mouth.



Cara S. said...

Congrats Rylan! I heard you were super brave at the dentist, and I'm glad that the tooth fairy came to visit!