

Today really happened.  I don't know that anyone directly involved or those of us who sat, glued helplessly to the tv, looking for our loved ones in the sea of evacuees, have really started processing the space we were forced to enter as a community.  We're now officially part of the laundry list of communities rocked by a school shooting.  That really happened today.  To our community - our kids - our school system - our teachers - our friends - our emergency personnel - our principals - our families.  Over 2,000 students made it out of Arapahoe High School unharmed physically.  One student is in critical condition at our local hospital and we're now just praying that God brings her through this.  Those kids need her to make it through this.  Please pray for that and also for the emotional well being of those 2,000+ students and the teachers who are trying to process what is their new reality.

All our loved ones involved are safe, but it was one hell of a day for them.  I won't go into details.  Just know that they need your thoughts and prayers.  Our entire school system does.  Dude doesn't know what happened today, but his school was on lock down all afternoon.  All schools in our area were. District kids weren't released until 30 minutes after the close of the school day.  They released them one by one with runners to go get them to avoid letting anyone enter the school. The lines of parents outside all our local schools, waiting to get their hands on their kids were endless.  But our kids came home and for now, that's what we can hold on to.



Trish said...

Nicely written Gwen. These events remind me how precious life is. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time I wanted to hug my babies tightly. I am so grateful to be a member of such a strong community and we are all counting our blessings as we are able pick up our children after school every day this week. It's going to be a long and difficult healing process for our friends and the community. Praying!