
February 23 - March 1, 2014

In taking an on-line class with the brilliant, Brene Brown and her gal pal, Oprah, I was given an assignment to photo document a week in my life, as we're living in that block of time.  She stressed the importance of documenting routines, schedules, little habits, meal times, outings etc.  The point of this Gwen-oriented project is to remember what life was like during a set week each year and to document the little things that we would desperately miss if they were gone tomorrow.  So many little things in this phase of life will be gone next year.  Things we take for granted every day.  I LOVED this assignment.  My camera is often attached to my hip, but this particular week it was an appendage.   

February 23-March 1....

 Rare occasions of sibling bonding.  Finger in nose.  

 A Mom, Squirt visit to a pet store to see a litter of Goldendoodles.  We learned that they DO indeed shed.  This little angel was evidence on my dark jeans.  Squirt was terrified of the little fuzz ball.

 Our first Friday night visit with a Denver-based adoption family group.  Cool group of people with varying adoption stories.  We'll see how our role in this group plays out.  We played a family round of marshmallow cannons. 

 Shelving was needed in my new office as well as in the basement guest closet.  Kids re-arranged the shelves while we measured out our materials.  I don't know that you can qualify a weekend if a trip to Home Depot or Target isn't involved.  

 Church.  Squirt is blessed with story time from sweet Mr. Fortna.  

 Play time with my girl on Wednesdays and Fridays.  She calls these "Mommy days."

 My browsing material at Anya Beebe's office.  Dude is doing some awesome art socialization therapy there and we're just getting started with our one on one visits required to join a group.  He's LOVING his time here.  She thinks I should become a therapist.  Mmmmm...

THIS is the photo emailed by Tim's co-worker that has my heart set on adding a Goldendoodle to our family mix.  Crazy?  Yeah, but I SO want one of these little loves.

 Legos on the floor, legos on the table, legos on the steps, legos in the sink...

 She will clean anytime, anywhere, any surface.  

 Where she spends her mornings while I shower or while we get Dude ready for school.  Out of the mix and happy.

 Does this conglomeration of cardboard and plastic drive me nuts every morning?  Indeed.  Would I miss it if it disappeared from our routine?  Indeed. 

 6 pills in the morning and 3 pills at night.  All natural, all beneficial.  He swallows them like a pill poppin' champ.

 Another example of a reality that dives me up the wall but deep down I cherish the mess.  Squirt craves scissor time.  

 An April creation.  Adore.

 I've recently been elected Deacon at church.  This is a first and I'm not going to moan about it.  I'm gonna take the responsibility seriously and do my very best to serve my district.  Because God would have it no other way.  This week we had #2 out of 5 total meetings this month.  Nothing like being thrown in head first. 

 The green homework folder and the book club bag.  A part of our Monday-Friday.

 My mom's mouth watering Chex Mix was made for Randy's birthday.  When it comes to snacking, I'm kinda famous for this salty treat.  

 On the days Dude comes home and doesn't have an appointment (which is most days lately), we have 30 minutes of fun time.  Just him and me.  We set the timer, light our candle and play a game or do a puzzle.  He loves it.  I do too.  This is followed by 30 minutes of homework.  No more, no less.  

 Random Wednesday night movie date with Hadley.  We babysat so Randy and Linsy could go out, kidless.  

 The girls held hands during the scary parts of Nemo.

 Dr. Suess's birthday calls for a party at April's house.  We borrowed this fantastic get-up from the Sheas.  Squirt was the talk of the house. 

 Our day care pals.  Oh how we love these little friends.  

 My window/photography project comes to a head.  All the photos are printed and ready for mounting.  Hopefully I can find an outlet to sell them.  

 Where I should be spending much of my time.  Doesn't seem to be happening much lately....

 The dusting on the floor is remnants from a Fun Dip.  She's attempting to call Nana and Papa on Facetime.  A weekly date we all crave.  

 School.  Lots of deep breaths here.  For Dude and for us (and likely for his teacher).  The lone desk belong to my son.  He chooses to be apart so he can focus better and not struggle to keep his hula hoop space bubble in tact.  

 These little beauties arrived.  It's official. I'm a writer.

 I started Praying in Color this week. I highly encourage you to check this out.  This day was prayers for kiddos who are part of a project I'm involved with in Armenia through Enlighten Foundation.

 Brain map #2 at our Neuro-Integration doctors.  Our second home these past couple months and probably for the next couple months going forward.  Dude is an absolute rock star during these maps.  He has to sit as still as a statue for 12, one minute intervals.  No talking, no moving, no sounds.  He does it with a smile.  

 Squirt and I often meet up with Oma, Opa, Cohen and Arie on Friday mornings.  Typically our destination is Starbucks down the hill, but this Friday we chose The Donut Shop.  DD was in tow this week.  

This little boy sleeps like a champ since we started him on Melatonin at night.  For the first time in his 6.75 years, he wakes up feeling refreshed.  

 My massive Norwex order arrives.  Deanna convinced me to become a consultant and I sold $1200 in my first party.  Over 40 free items were shipped to me, along with all the orders from friends.  Holy Norwex.  

 This house is a part of our daily routine.  Whether that be waves through the window, texts back and forth, borrowing of ingredients, sharing of baked goods, play dates with treasured friends, time spent on the front lawn and on the flippy swing, calls reminding each other to close the garage door or van door, yells across the street as we hop into our cars...next year?  We might have to get used to life without this almost daily part of our routine. 

 This little boy RUNS off the bus to my arms every day.  

 After 5 days absent, Daddy comes home from his work trip to Wyoming.  We're ready.  All of us.

 True belief that if we can't see people, they can't see us.

First Saturday of the month at Home Depot.  Our project pins are adding up!

Quite a week.  Not every 7 day period is that jammed with living, but it does show the depth of life these days.  Not a lot of breathing room.  But I sure do adore this life I've been blessed with.  All of it.