
Early November Highlights

Apparently my new blog format is to wrap up a whole lotta life in one post.  From Halloween to the week before Thanksgiving, here's what we've got!

We spent Halloween afternoon in the old hood at a party (Boris the friendly spider was the host).  We trick or treated for an hour in the new hood and then finished the night pulling our margarita wagon with old neighbor friends.  And of course we topped it all off with chili and mummy dogs and the Glassmans.  That's a tradition we love.  

 New neighborhood friends...we love our new surrounds.  

 They weren't home.  Note the sass.

 She had no clue who Raggedy Anne was, but I sure got a kick out of it.  Isn't she sweet?

 Whenever I get the opportunity to babysit this little man, I jump on it.  And I can never resist snapping his darling mugshot.  

 Happiness.  Furry furry happiness.

 Our first snowfall - crazy that it didn't happen until mid-November.  6 heavy inches!  Enzo was the highlight of this play fest.    

I don't know.