
Ranch Round Up

Year #4 at Tim's work ranch was perhaps our best yet, although every year feels like the very very best.  Given Nana and Papa's retirement status, Papa was able to join us for the first time.  We loved having an extra set of hands to entertain with.  The cabin they arranged for us this year was amazing with 4 bedrooms and the view you see below, right on the rushing river.  This place is pure magic ya'll.  Pure magic.    

The kids play house was ours for the taking, although spending time indoors wasn't priority. Although, this one made some mean meals and coffee for me.  

We were able to watch the horses get shoed, which was a first.  

"What, you want me to pick UP a chicken?"

"Ok, ok, ok.  Come HERE chicken. I'm trying to pick you up and you keep running away!"

"Mom, take a picture, quick!  I'm holding the chicken but he's moving!"

"Awww, nice chicken.  He likes me Mom!"

No commentary.  She just picked up the chicken and posed.

The dining hall is my favorite spot.  People serve us, feed us, and clean up after us.  No questions asked.

Papa took Ry "golfing" by throwing the ball around the 9 hole course.  They had a blast and it was absolutely darling to watch them bonding.

Every year we stop at Big Creek, the working cattle ranch, for a mouth watering lunch of fresh meat and potatoes with the cowboys.  I ignored my dairy free diet and chowed on those buttery potatoes.  

Squirt wouldn't get close to the handsome cowboy and Dude had just scraped his ankle (can you tell?)

Soooooo loose!  

This was our most favorite ranch experience yet.  The entire staff rode horses up to this lookout spot for a cook out (a rather elaborate and elegant cook out).  We drove since the kids were too little to make the horse trek.  

Note, the super lose tooth fell out!  Her first lost tooth.  It was quite the occasion, complete with a ranch visit from her tooth fairy, Lucy Loo, and a whopping $5 to commemorate the event.  

Dude's favorite woman on the planet and yes, that might include me, is his cowgirl Lynn.  She is a special special human being who is the head wrangler and adores my son.  She offers him the attention he DEMANDS each and every year and is ever patient and loving.  He found her sitting on a log, waiting for another round of horses to arrive and I caught this precious moment.  

This is them, making a wish to see each other very very soon.  Look at how genuinely my son is wishing.  Melt.

My heart smiles writing this post.  We couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity to provide memories for our kiddos at this priceless piece of God's handiwork.