
Before Fall Hits...

Let's continue covering our Summer happs before the leaves start changing.  Because when THAT happens, I go into Autumn mania mode and these pictures will be a thing of the past.  This first video is a fantastic little summary of our swim team season.  It depicts just how much our focus was on trying hard and finishing races.  Not so much the winning.  Or placing.

 Summer = Dude gets to choose a design for our barber,  Brandon, to carve into his head.  This year's choice?  A groundhog's footprint of course.  Why wouldn't it be?

We do a whole lotta life this these little people, our across the street neighbors.  This particular day was one for the books.  Colorado heaven.

And these people...if I could wrap them up and put them in my pocket I would.  I simply can not get enough of every single one of them.  They hold my heart for sure.

News flash - did you know the library (at least ours) rents out fabulous things like Dash and Dot the robots that cost way too much money to spend on something that will gain their interest for 3 weeks?  After 3 weeks we bring them back.  Done.  Free.  What would I do without the library?  It is certainly one of my happy places.  For so many reasons.  Mainly the books. 

Playdates were commonplace this summer.  We're blessed with a community filled to the brim with cute little people we call friends.  Energy balls were of of Dude's highlights - he's my little chef.

Following his ART SHOW (see that link for the full post on that major event), the local paper did an awesome write up.  It was big news round here.

Five weeks ago, THIS started.  We've been praying and contemplating about this since we moved in.  We do NOT need extra space for ourselves in this house of ours, but we really feel called to provide space for people who need a place to rest their heads.  Whoever God leads to us.  Mr. Dale and Marcus have been here working diligently every single day and we're nearing the end.  They've created an apartment, a new bathroom, and a giant living room.  And naturally, the week we started this we got an email asking if we could host a Guatemalan foreign exchange student, starting a couple weeks after completion date.  That God.  He's crafty.  Dude will be getting the "orphan brother" he's been begging for - even just for 3 months.  I will admit that it feels gross spending so much money on this project and managing the process has been extremely time consuming, but we do trust that it will not be in vain.  And it sure does look purty, says the designer in me.