
It's OK to Talk About it Now

We were obliterated.  Stepped on.  Humiliated.  Put to shame.  Enough time has passed that we can all laugh about it (well, maybe not all of us Coloradans - some are freaky deaky Bronco lovers).  To commemorate the big Bowl our town went orange and blue bazerk.  It was festive and fun for the weeks leading up.  And then we all buried our orange and blue into deep corners of our closets.  Until next season and we'll do it all again. Our block was adorned appropriately that morning, as were our children.  We had a rompin party in the basement that ended prematurely.  It was just too horribly sad to celebrate what became of our rock solid team that day.  I had to at least share shots of our cute kids from that day in Colorado history.  Congrats to our Seahawk loving friends and family.  If we could have chosen who was going to make us look like a Peewee Football team, we couldn't have chosen a finer team.    

The day kicked off at the Donut Shop.  We might have even skipped church.

Meet Boris.  He's the neighborhood mascot.  Our friend, Christopher, constructed this 8 legged friend a couple years ago for Halloween decor and the neighborhood kids can't get enough.  The children go crazy all around the hood when Boris makes an appearance.  He comes out randomly and the Super Bowl was definitely a worthy event for Boris to show his Bronco pride.

 Mmmm hmmmm...Randy's face was pretty much frozen in this pose the entire game.  It rang true for the group. 

I love Dude's face in this shot.  And Riley is seconding his anguish over whatever fumble had just taken place.  Or interception.  Or penalty. Or player tripping over his own feet.  

All done with that event.  For fun, here are the kids' valentines from this year.  They both missed their parties since we boarded a jet plane to Seattle (more to come soonish) but they handed them out prior to our departure.  Tim accidentally printed the "adult" version of the raccoon valentine, so we had to go back and re-print those again.  We didn't think it was appropriate for Squirt to tell her 3 year old day care friends that she wants to "make some noise after dark" with them or "rummage through their garbage anytime."