
Still Betrothed

Hannah and Dude locked eyes in Pre-School, nearly 3 years ago.  They became equally entranced with each other's vivacious personalities and were inseparable in Pre-K.  Hannah's mom and I figured it would pass but did nervously giggle at their dedication to future plans to get married.  Hannah is quite mature you see and she had it all planned out.  Where they would live, how many kids they would have, etc. etc.  I don't know that Hannah's dad was too keen on the situation but there's no stopping a young (really young) girl in love. And we couldn't blame her.  Dude is quite a catch.  Really we were just thrilled that he had a friend willing to lay her future on the line for him, fully aware of his Dude-isms.

Despite these two parting ways and attending different schools for the past two years, their love and plans to marry have grown stronger and more determined.  We have random play dates, run into each other around town, and attend each other's birthday parties and the pair refuse to believe they'll ever love another.  We had Hannah over last weekend and she said to me, "Miss Gwen, I WILL marry your son.  I have not met anyone else who is good for me to marry.  He is the one for me."  She walked around with a veil on from our play clothes, we had to continuously remind them that kissing in inappropriate, and they drew pictures, symbolizing their future plans (see below).  Hannah's parents and we have chosen to roll with this and will document their little person love story for future spouses.  The competition that once was.

 As you can see, Squirt made certain she was as close as possible to the duo.  In fact, for the first time in her life, she refused to nap.  That Hannah is something special.

Hannah started this portrait and Dude finished it off (his legs and the labeling) after she went home.  Yes, I'll be keeping this for all of eternity.