
Sounds a Little Fishy

For the past two months, Dude has come home from school squeaking out songs pertaining to whopper whales, sharks, starfish and other sea creatures.  Catchy little tunes, so much so that I find myself humming them throughout my days.  The three 1st grade classes at Dude's school finally had their moment in the sun this past Thursday and performed their little hearts out.  The play was entitled, "Sounds a Little Fishy to Me." Around their necks, they all donned a fish they created in art class, they sang with gusto, performed arm gestures with even more gusto and spoke their fish related jokes into the microphone without flinching.

I attended the morning performance on Thursday and was so glad I made that choice.  Dude was a picture of sea creature perfection.  He smiled, obeyed, moved appropriately, chanted his lines, sang the songs and bowed at the conclusion.  My heart was clapping inside my body the rest of the morning.  The Thursday night performance?  Well, I should have called it good and let Tim and Squirt attend that one, but I joined them.  The first half was darling.  Dude was buoyant, but appropriately buoyant.  The boys were wound up before the show in a rowdy game of tag and tickle and they were beyond a level of gaining calm and structure. Dude needed a release.  Unfortunately, the poised little girl in front of him had braids that became our son's tool for relieving his energy.  Her braids were a'bouncin and bless her heart, she didn't turn around and smack my child into the depths of the bleachers.  Luckily the show ended soon after.  Here's the ticker. Dude runs up to me and says, "MOM!  Did you get a video of me playing with Sarah's braids?"  That's our kid.  He didn't see that as inappropriate in the least.  I sighed, explained that I wasn't impressed with that choice and he busted as fast as he could to go apologize to Sarah for annoying her.  Bless his rapidly moving brain and heart.

Enjoy the snippits from Show #1.  It was a smile-worthy day of fish related fun and we were very proud of our little fish.

Dude is on the top row, smack dab in the middle.  You can see his full fledged jazz hands in the shot below.


Dude's second fish-focused piece of art is hanging in the hallway.  As evidenced below, his sister is taking on many of her big brother's traits.