We rocked the Fall this year. Lots of mountain tripping, hiking, pumpkin patching, hot cider drinking, jack-o-lantering, trick or treating, leaf diving....it's all just bliss for me. Bliss.
He wasn't successful. Much to his dismay and shock.
How's THAT for an appropriate cabin match?
When you're stuck in 400 square feet on a rainy mountain day....
God. Just plain God.
Isn't he lovely?
Speaking of lovely, Denver was bomBARDED by butterflies this Fall. Our butterfly bush sported a swarm for weeks. Watch the video for evidence.
Sometimes they allow each other the grace to be close enough to touch. Doesn't happen often.
So much of this child's life is spent just like this.
The Guatamala boys had never experienced leaves like this.
Carving large orange gourds? This about put these boys over the edge. The gagging and drama was too much.