
A Walking Prodigy

What we're learning...when you child does something that he's naturally supposed to do through the cycle of maturation, it seems supernatural to first time parents. As if taking first steps is the equivalent to flying. About a week ago Dude figured out how to put one foot in front of the other and is now walking from furniture to other objects he desires to visit with. Today he started getting up on one foot and one knee in the middle of the room and would get SO frustrated when he couldn't make his way to a standing position. He wants more than anything to just stand up and go. That's progress!

We still giggle like school girls every time he walks toward us. "Isn't he so smart and athletic!" we say to one another. He giggles right along with us and has to stand for a while when he's laughing too hard to balance adequately. We also laugh when he bails, so today he started falling as hard as he could and looking at us with glee, waiting for our chuckles. We had to force a non reaction to avoid the game of falling overtaking the actual walking. What a joy the dude is. Enjoy the flick..


Sweet Home Colorado said...

I love the photo on top! The lighting is great! :)