I haven't done a very good job of keeping this e-journal of our lives updated in the past 2 weeks. Oh so much excitement...where to start? Really, not much excitement...just every day living. But good living for sure.
The first picture is proof of just how beautiful the newest little additions to the McKinster family are. Chloe & Caroline are doing great, as are Mom and Dad. We visited tonight and after dude peed through his diaper, all over their suede chair, we headed for home.
I posted a slew of pictures below documenting a whole bunch of randomness that has made up the month of February. Dude has been a happy camper. He is changing so much and shocking us each and every day with his vocabulary and knack for understanding just about everything we say to him. We really do think he's an intellectual genius...the smartest almost 2 year old we've ever had for sure:) His Nanna is coming this weekend. We can't WAIT to let her experience him in his current state of lovableness.
At the bottom of this novel, you'll find a short video montage of further cuteness.
Chloe & Caroline, identical and perfect.

Our friends Todd and Anna come back from GA for a small group visit. Who need pictures of the men when the women are this charming?

Wesley's B-day brings the entire Jansen clan together. He's one-of-a-kind, our Wes. Most of the time, that's a very good thing:)

Dude, Nolan & Bradster rompin on the couch for a good 20 minutes.

Argyle geeks...what are they looking at? I'll leave that up to your imagination.

When the weather is good, Dude and Dad get QT out together in the "coo car" as dude calls it.