I've got a whole bunch of Squirt shots that need to be viewed by her cyber fans, so here you go. Our "little" girl wore a 12 month dress today. It fit. Really well. She's growing by leaps and bounds and is doing amazingly well in every way possible. Day care is going smooth as silk, she's sleeping like a champ, eating like an even greater champ, reaching for things and grabbing hold of toys, squealing like an over sized mouse during much of her awake time, and lovin' life. Despite her rapid growth, we have noticed that she's losing the rolls that you could hide a small puppy in. Those rolls are become average in size now:( I'm totally enjoying my days home with Dude and Squirt and miss them like a whole buncha crazy the days I'm working.
Dude could swing every day of his charmed little life. And Squirt is rather enjoying the swing herself.
Bath time has come a long, long way. As you can see, enjoyment has been discovered amongst the suds. Dude no longer hides under his covers when Sis gets clean.
Like I said, no more hiding for Dude. He sits on the counter and "helps."
Duder is growing in his fun factor, if you can imagine that. He is truly a "silly" little monkey and loves nothing more than making people laugh and talking. Non-stop. By "non-stop" I mean he.does.not.stop.talking.ever. It amazes me how much the child knows and how easily he picks up on the vibes and information around him. Some his latest "dudeisms" are below.
*During his prayers last night, totally unprompted....."God bless Grandma Vogelzang to the airport and we miss her so much and we miss Grandpa Jerry in da heaven." He definitely understands that it's a big deal when people go to heaven. I was clenching my heart during that prayer.
*Tim and I were talking/whining about getting up twice the night before (once with each child) and Squirt not eating very well that morning. Dude looks at me with his head tilted and says, "Mom, it's just part of da day."
*"Mom, I can play wif dis chord now because I turned four. When I'm five I will play wif da plug too."
*I got irritated with Dude for taking 45 minutes to put on his socks. He says to me, "Mom, did you want to tell me dat you're sorry for being mad and unpatient and dat you love me so much?" How do I stay irritated after that?
You'll have to add those pics to your rub-a-dub-dub wall in the bathroom!
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