
Sugar, Sugar and More Sugar

Wednesdays are my home day with both kiddos, so on Halloween we trekked out to my workand the fairy and astronaut trick-or-treated from office to office.  My co-workers were rock stars in the sweetness department and gifted them with a rather ridiculous amount of candy and treats.  Spoiled?  Yes they are.  A lot of food bankers dressed up, so it was a fun outing.  We hit Dad's work afterward too. 

 Don't you just wanna put her in your pocket? 

Trick or treating (for reals) started at the early bird time of 5:00pm with neighbor friends.  Dude had his bud Holden to sprint from door to door with and Squirt had Hadley and Tristan to walk at a snails pace with.  It all worked out beautifully.  Squirt totally grasped the random concept of walking door to door demanding candy from complete strangers.  She would grab her bucket from our wagon, walk to the door, say "Treeeeat," put her bucket back in the wagon and pull the wagon to the next house.  This went on for a good hour and a half. Then she decided she owned rights to eating all the candy.  That's when we called it a night.  Because she would have eaten 25 pieces, including wrappers.

Randy and Linsy treated us to chili again post trick-or-treating and we had the kids in bed by 8:00pm.  Then Tim and I proceeded to scavenge through the candy, taking out our favorites and making a large bowl to donate to those who need candy more than we do.  Hope you and yours had a Happy Halloween.