
Dude's New Journey

The past month has been a bit of a mental blur.  We made the difficult decision to take Duder out of his school and enroll him at our local public school.  Loooooong story behind that one, involving more meetings, discussions, prayers, tours etc. etc. than I can recount.  We're really excited about the opportunities and sense of community we're getting through our new school and Dude is over the moon about this exciting new journey.  We're blessed to live in an amazing school district and in a community that is chock full of kiddos that join Dude in his learning environment. 

Long story short, we're on day two of our new school, Dude has a self proclaimed "gleam in his eye" and Mom and Dad's shoulders are finally back where they should be, as is my heart rate.  All is well and God has definitely walked with us, hand in hand, as we navigated this ultra difficult journey.

Dude took the BUS today, which has been a lifelong aspiration of his.  Squirt and I put him on the big yellow monster, introduced him to the bus driver, saw the gleam in his eye grow brighter and the smile grow bigger and bigger.  I teared up a bit as Miss Carol took my baby away, his little head barely able to see out the window.  But don't worry, I naturally drove my Honda Pilot to the school and was there to greet him when he got off the bus.  Which proved pointless as he was surrounded by 4 classmates, eager to hang out with him and show him the ropes.  He waved at me, blew me a kiss and took off for playground time.  So I went home.

Thus concludes the new happs at our house.         


Sweet Home Colorado said...

We've been thinking about you guys and praying for you during this journey! I'm so happy he is happy and that you feel like you've found the best learning environment for him! :)

Cara S. said...

Your tears, prayers, meetings, etc. say a lot about how much you love that little dude. Glad his transition seems to be going smoothly. (And, I hear that there are really good teachers in the district :))

Trish said...

Ms. Orrill is nothing less than amazing! I am so glad that Elizabeth and Ryland will get to know each other a little better this year!!! We should have Mom coffee sometime :)