
He Arose

I'm just a tad behind on documenting life round here.  Main reason being my sidekick (camera) has been in the hands of the kind folks at Canon, getting some much needed TLC.  She's back in working order and I no longer feel like a little part of exterior is missing. 

We had a lovely Easter weekend, especially after we rescheduled our Vegas trip and got over our no vacation crabbiness.  My Easter highlight this year was our Dude's exuberant singing of "He Arose" throughout the weekend.  The kiddos at church practiced it and sang for the congregation and Dude's little mouth was perched wide open throughout the entire song.  It melted our hearts just a tad.  His little heart is so in love with Jesus - one of the aspects of our little man we adore the most.

We attended the annual neighborhood egg hunt on Saturday and headed to B&B's to celebrate Easter Sunday with our Denver fam. The weather was smiling down on us which only adds to the loveliness of the day. The kid/adult egg hunt never fails to provide entertainment for the entire ever-growing gang.  The kids are starting to outnumber us big people. 

How did we feel this Easter?  Blessed. And incredibly grateful that God rolled a giant stone away from the tomb so we can truly live.  Hope your Easter was just as happy as ours.

These two little cuties are in class with Dude (and live in our hood).  The lovely lady?  That's our Julie.  She's my dear friend, neighbor and Dude's teacher assistant.  She has been an answer to prayers for our family this year.  Oh how we treasure her love for kids and our little man. He tells her that she's allowed to "break his space bubble" because she's so special.  He's right.


 The hot mama Jansen girlies, minus Mama Barb.  She's pretty hot too.

 Sorry Abbs, this was the only vertical shot I got:)  You're even cute with your eyes closed.

 This is yet another performance of "He Arose."