
Farmin' It

If the stars aligned and the heavens opened up the most perfect of perfect situations (you know, where we have tons of disposable income, a near-by grade A school, Target and King Soopers), we would give up this suburban life and move to a farm in a flash.  That lifestyle speaks calm and peace to my heart.  Our kids are worry free and become one with the dirt, the manure, the hay, the furry animals, the ponds, the lumber and the feed.  They love it.  And I love watching them love it.  Phil and Katy's farm outside Seattle was the final resting place for our active brood.  We spent one night and two days chillin out.  The rain didn't let up much, but we were lucky enough to get a solid 2 hours to roam the grounds.  It takes about that long just to check everything out.  It's so fun to watch Phil and Katy, Seattle urban dwellers, devour life at this place they call their second home.    

Dude giggled uncontrollably around these swines.  I would have predicted a melt down, but he took in every second of this random experience with these fat, schizophrenic beasts.  They were hysterical, even to us adults.  Have you ever run around a group of pigs?  I suggest you do so at some point in your life.

The asses wanted nothing to do with us humans.  They live on the farm as pets but aren't quite ready to accept that status. 

 Edible, isn't he?
 "Upppeee Daddy!"  And yes, she gets her way.  

 I might enlarge this in my house somewhere.  How beautiful is this wood?  

 We spent much time in the farmhouse, which is quaint and rustic and homey all in the same breath.  The orange chair was literally screaming at my camera.  The little girl didn't hurt either.  

 Out for mediocre Mexican as we liked to call it.  There aren't a ton of options in the farm hood, but this suited us just fine.  Katy and Dude (quite the duo) created a masterpiece for the restaurant wall, which was proudly displayed as we left the building.  

 Farm fresh eggs, enjoyed by all.  Squirt had four helpings and was begging for more.

Bless Katy's heart...she and Dude spent hours designing ads for their local grocery store.  It was the most eccentric and colorful display she's ever produced, hands down.  Thank you Katy.

We can't wait to go back for our 3rd trip to the farm.  Someday.  Thank you to rock stars, Phil and Katy, for your patience, your generosity, your hospitality and again, your patience.  We SO appreciate the time we're able to spend with you.