
Awaiting a Special Arrival

This little fam-damily happens to be rather special to us.  When we moved on our traffic ridden street, we had no clue the amazing peeps God had planted in our midst.  Randy, Linsy, Hadley, Sunny and beebs to be are some of those chosen ones.  Linsy and I are cut from the same cloth in an absurd amount of ways.  She gets me and loves me regardless.  I don't know if Randy quite gets me but he smiles and takes me all in regardless. Hads and Squirt happen to be life-long friends and we sure hope that will remain true.  As they live out their last days as a family of 3 (plus Sunny) they asked me to take a series of shots to commemorate this current state of existence.  How could I say no to these faces?

A few weeks ago (I know, I suck at keeping up lately), we had a shower for Madame Linsy.  She requested a "Sprinkle" rather than a shower, which was quite lovely and totally appropriate.  The theme revolved around said concept, "sprinkles."  I loved celebrating this little miracle and can not WAIT to run away from my own children, lock myself in that baby's nursery and hold him/her for hours on end.