
A Quick and Memorable Michigan Trip

Last week was a doozie around here.  My heart physically needed to be in Michigan for my grandpa's funeral, but Tim was in San Diego for work the entire week.  It wasn't something he could miss, so we called on members of our "Home Team" to take up the ranks here at home.  That they did. I highly suggest forming a "home team" if you don't have one!  THANK YOU Anne, Dara, and Linsy for dropping your plans, altering your agendas and not hesitating to make the week doable and less stressful than it should have been.  We didn't have a worry in the world that our littles and pup would be loved and safe.    

At 92, my Grandpa exemplified the best of the best.  He ran the race and definitely crossed the finish line with gusto.  God and His angels greeted John Batts with a standing ovation - I have no doubt.  My grandpa loved the Lord and loved nothing more than serving others and setting a Christ-like example for his six kids and countless grand and great grand kids.  And most importantly, he adored my sweet Grandma.  71 years of marriage isn't a cake walk, but they sure made it look that way.  I was able to go to Michigan last week to be with my family in honoring and celebrating Grandpa's life.  Given his military background, we were offered the privilege of holding his burial ceremony at Fort Custer National Cemetery.  I hadn't seen anything like it before.  So special.    

 It was a balmy Michigan 42 degrees, but the service was short and dry and my Grandma held up beautifully. 

 My mom is third in line of the six Batts children.  Aren't they all so cute?  My grandpa insisted on continuing the child bearing process until he got his boy.  Uncle John was #6.  

The following day was the memorial service at the home where Grandma will continue to live.  It was so well done and such an awesome remembrance of my grandpa.  Uncle John spoke and encouraged all of us to follow in Grandpa's hard to follow footsteps through life.  A challenge for sure.  My cousin's girls sang a ridiculously sweet song and my Uncle Paul ended the service with a message.

We were able to spend time with my dad's family as well as the Batts side.  Can you tell these two are sisters?

 My grandma pulls off the silver hair beautifully.  These other two?  Questionable. 

 Sweet Grandma will hold your hands tight and look you in the eye every time you talk to her.  It's funny how losing a grandparent (my first loss) makes you appreciate all those little things and take note of things you've always taken for granted.

 I have so many rad girl cousins I never see.  We decided to change that and do a girls trip to Napa.  Yes please.

In between the gatherings my sister in law, Kira, and I were able to visit the Market downtown Grand Rapids with our sister-in-law, Becky.  She is a master chef and teaches kids cooking classes there in an impressive space.  Check her out in all her cuteness!

Back in Chicago, my mom and I drove past our old house.  A developer bought the house my Grandpa Kwas build, my dad grew up in, and I grew up in and tore it down about 10 years ago.  He has yet to build on the second half of the property, but our driveway, Magnolia tree and old shed remain.

That day, I had 4 hours to spend with friends we haven't seen in over a year.  Why haven't we seen them?  Well, they kinda had triplets 9 months ago and in addition to their 6 year old twin boys, they've had their hands full. I've been itching to see these babies and this was my chance.  Rachel was able to drive to pick me up at my parent's house ALONE, which was a treat and a half.  We went out for lunch at Egg Harbor, a past favorite for Tim's family, and then we closed out our visit by sitting on her living room floor and playing with babies.  And feeding bottles and changing diapers and cleaning up spit up.  The story of their life.  I'm so proud and in awe of how well they're doing a family unit.

It was a whirlwind trip and I was so so glad I was able to share in the week with my family.  No kids sure does make for quality conversations and restful sleep.  But I was definitely glad to be back home with my rowdy brood.  


Cara S. said...

Thanks for sharing such a beautiful tribute to your grandpa. I'm glad you could be there with your family.

Unknown said...

Wonderful pictures and tribute to you grandpa! Glad to see your grand and family the photos. A truly remarkable man!