
He Turned Double Digits - Quite a While Ago

I know longer promise regularity on this blog, but I'm certainly not ready to walk away from it.  It's my "light" outlet for sharing life.  Part of life recently included our not so little man turning TEN.  Two hands people.  It felt big to me for so many reasons.  He's not little by definition anymore, but he's still so little to us in so many ways.  He chose to celebrate life at Happy Dog Ranch, where we've been spending time volunteering the past couple months.  It was a day he claims to be one of his BEST EVER.  And EPIC of course.  Because most things are epic in his framework of categorizing life.  

 This "dog" is a 6 month old puppy people.  Our first meeting, displayed here, went very well.  The second meeting?  Terrible.  The dog and his twin brother pounced on my son and caused an absolute streak of terror.  Never again.

 Meet Wilbur.  Dude's very favorite animal on the ranch.

 Naturally, Dude designed his own cake with his artist rendition of one of his favorite Pokemons.  

 I thought this nest was gorgeous.  Tim saw it for what it was.  A bunch of poop, grass, weeds, etc. 

 Like a dog.  

 Friends.  Look at these creatures.  I ADORE them.  They HATE us and people in general, but I can not get enough of them.  And so I bought an Alpaca dish towel.

 Right?  Get outta here with these guys.

 Given the natural mohawk state of his hair, a matching bike helmet was what Squirt chose for her brother.

Love this handsome devil.  He owns my heart.  Happy first decade buddy.