
Dinos LIVE

After a day so full of little people bickering that I was reduced to literally tying my children together with a scarf to work it out, we loaded up into the mini van and headed to the Denver Zoo for relief. Toyota's new #dinoslivewithtoyota event was kicking off and we were invited to meet these giant creatures face to face.  Our ten year old is an accomplished dino expert, so this would be right up his alley.  Not to mention it's the ZOO, so there's that.

The second our kids' feet hit the parking lot pavement, they were off in search of where the dino noises were stemming from.  The first extinct creatures greeted us within feet of our arrival in the gates.  A massive herbivore guards the lion exhibit while his high speed little companion squawks at guests.  A zoo worker took advantage of our son's pure delight over the dino guests and the two of them had quite the time discussing facts and observations.  It was even more charming that my son is currently sporting a woodchuck footprint on the back of his little noggen.  Don't ask why a woodchuck.  It's where his brain was at when his tush hit the barber's chair.  

While the actual live animals at the
zoo were of some interest, our time was highlighted by "what dino is next!"  We hustled toward noises and lights and met each and every dino nestled into the greenery and rocks throughout the grounds.  It was magic for our littles and because of that, it was also magic for Tim and me.  After a day of wishing summer away as a Mama, THIS was a breath of fresh air.  Thank you #dinoslivewithtoyota.