
A Little Bit of Nana and Papa by Our Side

They came, they played, they spoiled, they wrestled, they crafted, they hiked, they spoiled some more, they paraded, they swam, they hot tubbed.....Nana and Papa are the bestest.  


Papa and Dude have a special somethin.  It's one of my favorite relationships to witness.  Nana helped my insistent son sew a "stuffie" from a book he's been hounding me about.  Given the fact that I don't thread needles, much less sew an entire "stuffie," Nana was his best shot.  

Rockies game with Papa was a highlight.  It was Squirt's first baseball game and since it was spent in Tim's company box with ALL the food and soda, I doubt we'll ever get her to go to a seat with the commoners.  Who am I kidding.  I only do sporting events in boxes.  

Dude and I hosted his Strokes of Genius Art Show (post coming soon) on Friday evening, which was so so so wonderful, and Saturday morning he headed west to a 35 acre retreat center where we didn't see humans, vehicles, concrete, or retail for 3 days.  After a day of detoxing from technology, our kids played and read and hiked and took naps like people do without a screen to occupy their brain power.  And we did much of the same.  This place has become one of my favorite places to go. 

 Perhaps a new hammock is in order.

 This labyrinth was the favorite for our kiddos.  They walked it forward and backward and insisted we adults do the same.  

 Our little home away from home was the right side of the big red barn.  

 Squirt decided to show her brother how to be brave by going headfirst down a hill 3x more steep than this one on her BIKE.  It didn't end well.  At all.

We got her back on the bike the next day and emotionally, she recovered quickly.  Her baby doll seen mounted on her back here was part of the crash, so Squirt kept her nice and close the next day.  Another highlight was the 6th launch of Flash the Rocket.  That sucker took wind and traveled a distance we weren't prepared for.  After a rescue mission covering 1000 feet into the forest, Tim spotted the red spec in a tree.  30 minutes later, the rocket was in hand.  See the video for the seamless rescue.

 Don't be fooled.  She had nothing to do with the rescue.  

 It's not quite "I love you," but I think that's what she was going for.