
A BJ Armstrong in the Making

Have you met the aquaintance of BJ Armstrong? I spent countless hours growing up staring at his 5'5" cute little frame (lifesize), adorned in his Bulls jersey. He was mid-dribble and looked right at me from his home on my closet door. Never looked away once. Michael Jordan was to his right, but didn't have the honor of watching me fall asleep nightly.

Little Dude is on his way to becoming the next BJ (well, he's more of an albino version and doesn't quite have the walking thing down, but we're making small strides!). The videos below exhibit these strides. The second proves his budding potential as an athlete. Pappa will be proud.

It was a fun weekend in the 60's out here in the Mile High City. We dropped 100 bones at the nationwide chain of "great deals and even greater mullets," AKA Walmart, Dude attended his first hockey game at Dad's event center, we made a bedroom in our basement for guest privacy & enjoyment, our $4 per hour budget buster babysitter watched Dude Saturday night while we celebrated Wessums b-day, Dude surprised us with an unusually high average of 4 stink bomb diapers per day and on a more appetizing note, we were treated to scrumptious ribs at Oma & Opa J's house Sunday night.

Hope ya'll had a good weekend. Enjoy the week ahead!