
A Good Excuse For a Pedicure

We have a fabulous small group out here that meets every Thursday. For about a year now, we've gotten acquainted with 4 other couples between Thursday night gatherings and other social happenings. We love the fact that God directed our paths together. Two of the girlies in our group are prego and are expected to deliver within 2 weeks of each other. To celebrate the fact that soon we will no longer be the only couple in the group with a tyke, the five of us girls went to a cutesy nail salon and did lunch and gifts over here at Mile High Vogel's abode.

The dude went with dad and the other dudes in the group to a gym to play hoops. Little Dude actually rolled a ball around the gym and chased it pretty much the entire time. He's pretty content hangin' by himself! We're proud to announce that at almost 13 months, he has finally learned how to crawl like a real boy. Army crawling is becoming a thing of the past! Now we're just aiming for enough teeth to be able to chew a raisin. The two that he has just don't cut it.


Amy DeYoung said...

A pedicure sounds SOOOO nice right now! I can no longer reach the piggies to treat them they way they deserve. Looks like you ladies had fun!!