
A Little Croup, A Few Teeth...Good Times

I've been a stranger to this blog for what seems like an eternity. The reason? Dude has been cursed with croup and 3 new teeth all mixed into one splendid week. Good times for all! No one really warned us that there would be days where you'd lay in bed and pray that your child would miraculously be at someone elses house when you got up. God answers a lot of our prayers, but not that one in particular.
The good news...we got through it. One of us far better than the other (translation - I was a mess, my better half was a solid rock). Mile High Dad and I are now both sick, but we figure we can handle that as long as Dude is back to his happy go lucky self.

Before the blessed week began, Dude rode around our cul-du-sac on his favorite Tonka. I took pictures. Surprising, I know. Enjoy and may you have a week free of croup, teething, barfing, Baby Einstein & the Wiggles.


Sweet Home Colorado said...

I'm getting my first LITTLE taste of what a sick baby is like! Nolan just has a cold- snotty nose, and runny eyes, but he's just not himself. Still smiling and happy, but just wants to be held more, and cries a bit more too! I feel for you with a boy who was VERY sick!