
7 Years of Wedded Bliss

July 28, 2001 was a hot, muggy, Chicago day. I slept approximately 3 hours the night before with my girlfriend Erin on the floor of my tiny bedroom in Worth. We had to wake up at 5:30am to be at the salon by 6:00am, so I relied heavily upon the makeup artist to do wonders on my face. Tim slept just fine and woke up refreshed from a night with his buddies. I never did ask how much they drank that night.

He and his two bros hopped in a borrowed black Corvette and succeeded in being pulled over 2 blocks from the church. All my girls and I got dressed at the church while singing "Going to the Chapel" over and over and over again. I guess that calmed my nerves. We had it on tape, but I accidentally recorded the 2006 Oscars over it, so that's that.

(Right before Mr. Officer pulled them over).

I don't have any shots of the two of us on the big day, but you get the idea.

My parents both walked me down the aisle, Nancy weeping as we went. Tim displayed his cute little smirk...probably because he saw me with my hair up for the first time (maybe second). I have a paranoia about my ears sticking out ever since Grandma K told my parents to get surgery to have those things pinned back. My dad and brother Ky sang, we recited our vows, Grandpa V made the audience chuckle with his unintended wit, charm and wrinkled tan suite and our pastor talked a lot about "leaving and cleaving." Tim's buddies got a real kick out of that, which proved that they were actually paying attention. We were officially married. Husband and wife.

That day sealed a deal that I knew would happen on our first date. Despite my frumpy purple sweater and my determination to NOT be someone Tim would want to date, I knew that this guy was it. He was, he is and he always will be. What I did to deserve and be blessed with my Tim I don't know, but I thank God for a marriage that will stand the test of time. Tim is my best friend, my eye candy, my strength, my calm and the person I look up to most in this world. Happy Anniversary hot stuff! Can't wait to see what's on the horizon for the next 7 years.


Cara S. said...

Happy Anniversary! Hard to believe it's already been seven years. Before we know it, it will be 25 and we'll have to take a trip to Mexico to celebrate :)

Anonymous said...

Congratualtions Mom and Dad. At the risk of appearing too self-consumed, I would say it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Anonymous said...

Rylan's comment seconded by Grandma V. and Grandpa Marc. Rylan couldn't have a better Mom and Dad. Congratulations, you two!

Sweet Home Colorado said...

Congrats Gwen and Tim! Very cool to relive that day...I didn't even really know you then and I served your punch. I also had to share a hotel room with Sue...it was akward then, but would be fun now! :)