
My Romantic Night with Wessums

For those of you who know me and also know our friend Wessums, you know that the two of us are about as similar as McCain & Obama (I'm currently watching their rivoting debate). Although we play much nicer & do actually like each other 97.6% of the time.

My hubby had to work Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday nights last weekend (yes, it's a fact and I did my very best to smile with loving wifely support each and every night), so I needed some companionship. Wessum's much better half was coaching a varsity volleyball game on Friday night, so I spent a memorable night with Wes and all the children. We hopped in their green Pilot (we have one too), listened to the children laugh and chatter, dealt with a minor set back (see video), cheered on the volleyball team, who won in 3 matches, and called it a night. We did speak some words to each other, maybe even laughed a few times. I definitely see another date in our future.

...And just for the record, if Wessums and I were running mates for President of the US of A, Wessums would be the clear choice. He'd be the first Commander in Chief whose wardrobe consists soley of mesh shorts and not necessarily dirty, but not super clean t-shirts. But boy would he run a heck of a tight elephant ship!


Anonymous said...

We've never heard Rylan caream like that.
This could be big trouble!!

Hugs from Nana.