
Gettin' in the (Christmas) Mood

We're counting the days until we hop aboard Frontier (after paying hefty fees for extra present filled luggage) and head to the midwest for Christmas. In the meantime, we're trying to fit in all our Christmas cheer here in the Mile High City. The Syers clan came over for an impromtu gift exchange and Chinese cuisine. See below for evidence of the fun had that night. Hubby got a boat load of tasty beverages...we're definitely stocked up if you want to come for happy hour! Dude (mostly his dad) is finding a great deal of joy in his new remote control car. Brady will get the same thing, enabling the kids (dads) to play together. And my new "coachish" purse is treating me quite well.

That's Payton behind her new computer.

The boys got matching styraphome swords...to beat each other with.

Last night we had the rare pleasure of dining out with friends, sans child, at a fancy shmancy restaurant where you actually sit down and order from a waiter. I kinda forgot that those establishments still exist. It was pure heaven. We laughed, ate, drank and laughed a bit more. Just what the doctor ordered.

I hope your days leading up to Christmas are full of whatever makes you and the world around you happy.