
Dude's Kind of New Year

It gets lonely not having immediate fam here in the Mile High City, but that makes visits from our loved ones that much more exhilarating. Mom and Marc came out for a New Years visit and provided endless fun and laughter for our little man (and for us of course). We went to dude's favorite fish house (the aquarium) and once again found much enjoyment out of the bubble machine. Do they make those things for residential use? We all went out for a nice dinner, Tim and I were treated to a movie out, we made steak for new years and tested our dart playing abilities. We even fit in a trip to the park since it was a balmy winter weekend. Dude took immediately to his Grandma and Grandpa Marc and could have cared less if Tim or I were in the same city as him.

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Marc for taking time out of your crazy schedule to visit us and spoil us rotten. We love you much!

Mom has a killer dart throw...shocking really.

Dude's new ATV...he was quite taken with it's ability to move him across the room.

A random assortment of videos from the past few weeks.