
December Wrap Up

Normal life has commenced, so I'm attempting to get back into the blogging swing again. Our little clan went to Chicago on C-mas Eve for a 5 day vaca with my family. Spirits were high as we left home, parked off site and took the glamorous shuttle to the airport. Dude made friends with the entire terminal and had everyone in stitches. Things were looking good! Until the kid got motion sick all over his loving mother toward the end of the flight. Mood....dampened. Mom....stinky.
Moving past the unpleasantness. It's not often that my 2 brothers, sister in law, nephew, parents and us are under one roof, but we pulled it off! Dude wasn't quite sure what to make of the chaos, but adjusted eventually. Lots of eating, drinking, game playing, & present opening took place in my parents beautifully decorated home.

We were able to have a kid free dinner with the VP's & Warps and visited the Warps young ones. Poor Emmers just wanted to hug dude and was deeply hurt by his very firm "no" that followed each attempt. We were fortunate enough to go to the Rieger twin boys' baptism too...precious little dudes. It was awesome to finally meet them. Pappa took dude to a CCHS basketball game and to his empty high school gym to run around, which was priceless free entertainment. It was a relaxing break! Sad not to see any of Mile High Dad's fam, but we were lucky enough to get Mom and Marc out our way shortly after. That post is yet to come!