
Had to Bring a Professional In

For over 4 years (well, more like 3 years since he didn't have one hair on his head until he was 1) we have groomed Dude's locks ourselves. We would park his little bootie on a chair outside, haul out the shaver and buzz away. No real rhyme or reason, no straight lines, just attempting to make him look a little less ragged with his multiple cow licks.  And there was always a whole lotta' fussin in between.

We've been allowing his mane to grow and grow this summer, in the hopes that it would become long and shaggy like (kinda like a surfer). You know, a Colorado surfer. We finally reached the decision that our barbershop skills were no longer gonna cut it. His thick locks were out of control.

Tim and Duder decided to go to Floyds together. Brandon plopped his blond head into the chair and went to work. It was the stillest our child has ever been. He acted like an angel (never before has he exhibited this type of behavior for our home hair jobs). Brandon thinned out the top, trimmed up the sides and made way for the cow licks to eventually lie down and behave. He's never looked better:) And we'll never go back.


Cara S. said...

That's funny. We just took Brady to a professional yesterday! Looks good Rylan, and nice Yesterdog shirt Tim. :)