
Extracirricular Family Fun

The Kwas fam doesn't get much mountainy activity in flat Chicago, so we spent a morning rock climbing at Daniel's Park.  It's full of bear caves, monster boulders and rather fabulously breathtaking views. 

 These two were an adorable pair.  Dylan made Squirt laugh over and over and over.

 The boulders eventually got the best of her.

The highlight of the trip for all the kids?  The pool.  Specifically the lazy river.  Notice Squirt lovin' the splash fountains, a feature her big brother still avoids like the plague.

 One of my favorite aspects of the weekend was Squirt's immediate love for her Uncle Ross.  If given a choice, Ross's would be the hand she would hold.

That night we went out for dinner, ice skating and planted the little ones on the plump man with the white beard's lap.  I was tickled pink when my daughter (who absolutely detested Santa last year) jumped right up and acted like they were old friends.  As did her bro.  It was an endearingly fun night.

Kira and I are sporting our Black Friday Chic Couture hats (my favorite boutique of goodness).  For me, it hides the days when I don't find time to wash my greasified hair.  Just a little secret. 

 So Santa, I have hair.  And shoes.  And that's all I really how to communicate about. 

 Santa thought it would be sweet to have them holding hands.  I, on the other hand, know how incredibly uncharacteristic this is of them and find it to be a total cheese fest.  If Squirt had her way she would have shoved her annoying brother right off Santa's lap. 

"What do I want Santa?  Hmmmm...let me think.  I think I would like a scuba costume without the mask."  I don't know where he gets this stuff from.

 "And maybe some chickens.  And a hippopotamus."

 "I love you Santa.  Do you wanna come to my house to play?" 

 And then they fist bumped.  The best part of the entire conversation.

 Ice skating - it was Dylan and Hudson's first time!  They did great and were super brave.  Dude was extremely hesitant to get out there but once he did he was an elegant as a gumby doll.  He now brags to his friends about "his moves on the ice rink."  Who are we to squash his pride? 

 We exchanged Christmas gifts with the kids.  They were all spoiled with awesomeness.  Ross rather enjoyed the puppets we bought for D & Hudson.  More so than any of the children. 

 Squirt got a baby doll (her fave) and see video below for the gift that won for most darling.

 D's reaction to his spaceship Lego set was..."Are you serious with this?  Awesome!"  That's what an aunt likes to hear.  Score.

Baby doll must kiss everyone in sight.  Including the puppet. 
We had an awesome weekend with Ross, Kira and the boys.  The house was eerily quiet when they left Sunday morning.  We sure do wish we could do it more often.  Thanks for making the haul out guys!  Miss you already.  


Sweet Home Colorado said...

Your Santa pictures are fantastic!!! :)

Cara S. said...

Cute post. That one of Dylan and Reagan at Daniel's Park is totally a little Ross and Gwen!

boschkp said...

Santa pictures are priceless!