
On days like this...

On days like today, I hug my kids tighter.  I thank God many more times than normal.  I beg him to protect my kids during the times when I can't.  I pray for evil to be stomped on and dominated by the good of this world and the peace of Christ.  On days like today, I weep for all those families who didn't have a kid to pick up at school today.  For their broken hearts and their forever changed lives.  This tragedy has rocked the country and will continue to do so.  Especially for those who had kids to pick up at school this afternoon.  I noticed a lot of lingering hugs when little ones came running out of the school doors.  Hugs that couldn't be explained to the kids for fear they would never want to go to school again.  For fear they would see the evil we all see and would be forced to grow up faster than we want them to.  When really, we're all just praying that our school won't fall victim.  That we won't be on the world wide news for such an unthinkable act of evil.  We just want our kids to be safe in the places they should be.          

I can't stop the tears today.  And so I thought I would share my beautiful Kindergartner with you.  He's tucked up in bed, safe and sound.  He has no idea how the world changed today.  And for today, I'm so incredibly grateful for that.  Dear God, have mercy.