
Angry Locks

Many of you have already been stunned and perhaps startled by the angry bird on the back of my son's toe head.  I'm still startled every time he turns around and I've been looking at him for the past week.  For the past 6 months, our angry bird obsessed son has been begging to get an angry bird carved into his scalp by our uber talented hair stylist, Brandon.  Brandon is the man.  He's constantly booked and does a lot of "hair designs."  I don't imagine many of his clients are blond haired, blue eyed, 6 year old boys, but who's keeping track.

I have been very adamant in my "NOs" over the course of his begging, but something must have been in the water last weekend that caused me to shrug my shoulders and say "Whatever.  Let's do this thing."  And so we made an appointment and did it.  And he thought he was the king shit.  Sorry, no other accurate way to put it.  I came across as a super cool, relaxed mom as he sat in the barber chair, but the second I watched the eyebrows being trimmed out, I cringed (outloud I'm afraid) and swore this would be the first and last time for hair art.  And, despite the constant adoration he receives from the general public,  I'm holding to that.  One more week until the bird (or some might refer to it as a pumpkin) will be disguised by his growing locks.  Or so we hope.

We're just grateful that this event came at a time when he was crazed with Angry Birds and not Rapunzel.  


 Obviously after.

He's still so darling.  From the front.


Cara S. said...

Rylan, your hair is da' bomb. Gwenda, you are a braver momma than I...:)