
Our Light

Tim and I have learned a few things about faith this past year.  Life hasn't been as we planned it to be.  Highs and lows have brought us to the place we are now.  Fortunately, God has landed us at a rather amazing place and has issued reminders of his grace throughout our process.  I wasn't going to blog about all of this.  We've kept a lot of it private, but I would be remiss not to give virtual credit to a God who has knocked our socks off.  And it's my hope that others can read this and find hope and strength through our experience.

At this time last year we were making the decision to send Dude to a local christian school and we were all getting really excited about becoming a part of that family.  We figured our quirky little man would be the monkey of the classroom and his social being would bring joy wherever he went. His teacher would see his creative brain at work and would marvel at his level of understanding and intelligence.  Okay, maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but you get the picture.  He started out his Kindergarten year with gusto.  We were so pleased with everything that came with his experience as a student.

About a month into his year, his teacher started pointing out areas of concern.  Lack of focus, inability to finish work, not wanting to be touched, nervousness in loud or new situations, blurting out whatever is on his mind.....we started to feel bombarded with week after week of negative meetings.  We were completely caught off guard.  These areas of concern weren't foreign to us, but they were never bad enough that we were concerned.  School seemed to heighten them.  After a rather gut wrenching time of conferences and feeling incredibly discouraged and helpless, we were asked to fill out a sensory integration disorder profile.  A what?  We had no clue what this language meant.  It wasn't until we started filling it out that it all became clear.

"Does your child tire easily?  Does your child have a hard time carrying heavy objects?  Does your child have a difficult time with more than 1 step directions?  Does your child have trouble touching items with textures or messy foods?  Does your child have a keen sense of hearing?  Does your child flinch when touched unexpectedly?  Does your child get easily distracted?  Does your child express discomfort when having nails clipped, hair washed and teeth brushed?"  Um....yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.  Tim and I looked at each other in awe.  We could see the light bulbs going off in each other's heads.

At the end of 3 months of drama of testing, praying, filling out paperwork, endless meetings and research, our little man was diagnosed with Sensory Integration Disorder and ADD.  He tested off the charts in 3 of the 5 areas of sensory integration.  It became clear that our school was not going to offer the resources to help our little man conquer his struggles.  They don't have funding for occupational therapists or aids and it was clear that his teacher didn't know what to do with him.  He could feel that tension.  And that broke our hearts.

We toured our local public school and discovered that they're all geared up for kiddos with sensory issues. It's old hat for them.  No bigee.  We walked in to the meeting with the principal thinking we might consider transferring him the following fall and by the time we finished the tour, we were in discussions of transferring him the following week.  And that we did.  Was it easy?  Absolutely not.  We were freaked out to put it mildly.  But it was what God was calling us to do.  Dude confirmed that when he jumped off the couch after being told that he was going to a new school and said, "Thank you Mom and Dad!  This is the best day of my whole life!"

We struggled with the idea that God could be calling us to remove our child from Christian education, but a number of events took place that have solidified that decision in our minds and our hearts.  God placed people in our lives in remarkable ways.

*One family we randomly had over for dinner has a son with Sensory issues.  They were pulling out of our school and enrolling in their local public school.  This family has started sending their son to the same occupational therapy clinic that we had just interviewed.  They were able to confirm how wonderful the clinic is and the amazing results they were seeing.
*Our new principal who helped guide us on our journey is a faithful Christian and the wife of a pastor.  She recommended our clinic, double confirming its credibility.  She has been a blessing and an advocate to us in so many ways.
*A dear friend who lives on our street and has a depth of knowledge about sensory issues ended up being his teacher's aide.  She was with him, literally holding his hand, through his transition.  Talk about blessings.  She was a visible angel to Dude and to us.  She was what we needed to feel peace with our decision.
*His new teacher met him where he was at and never once had a negative word to say.  He fit in immediately and had a fabulous remainder of the year.  Did he have attention issues and sensitivity to sensory situations?  Of course he did.  But it wasn't a big deal.  And he felt comfortable, rather than alienated.
*Someone close to our kids, who spends a significant amount of time with them, explained to us that she had sensory integration struggles growing up and did the same therapy we have Dude in.  She told us that she always felt a special bond with him and was so touched to find out why.  That one brought me to my knees.

One year ago we had never heard of Sensory Integration Disorder.  We wouldn't have dreamt that Dude would be attending our public school.  We couldn't have imagined spending the amount of money and time we are for occupational therapy.  But today, we're a wealth of knowledge of SID and have met a ridiculous amount of people who have experience with it.  We're loving our local public school.  And we're happy to be spending the time and money helping our Dude cope with what we thought were "quirks."  After a year of therapy, he should be in a place where he can function worlds better in a classroom setting and to the overload of the world around him.

It can be an overwhelming world for little man.  As his parents, we'll go to any length to reduce the chaos he feels and settle his little brain and sensory system down.  God is good people.  In the midst of what you think is going to be a hopeless situation, the brightest light can become visible.  Dude is our light and we're so grateful that we're finally able to have a clear understanding of what life is like through his eyes.


If you'd like information about what Sensory Integration Disorder entails, click HERE.      


Sweet Home Colorado said...

Thanks for sharing your heart Gwen! Isn't God amazing...totally with us every step of the way. The path isn't always easy, but He is always holding our hand, teaching us, strengthening us...and deepening our faith and love for Him the whole way! His mercies are new every morning. His blessings...incredible! And boy have you been gifted in Rylan! We love him and you!