
A Conglomeration of Randomness

I came across some gems in my files from way back that I don't believe have ever graced the blog.  Until now.  Enjoy the randomness.  In no particular order.    

Schultze-Eldersveld baby.  Freshman year of college with my hottie dorm friends.  Through the magic of Facebook, I stay in touch with most of these lovelies and their growing families.  Hard to believe these carefree college days were 16 year ago.  That's about half my life ago.

My Texas Amy and I have had more girls away than I can recall.  During one of these get-aways, she did a little photo shoot magic of yours truly.  San Antonio has some cool spots.  And we're pretty good at nailing down the coolest of the cool. Speaking of cool....

Christmas partaaaay last year with all our softball friends.  We met all these peeps through Cara and Wes. I'm the floating head in the back.  Such is life for the tall tree of the group.

Our sister-in-law, Carin, took these shots of our baby Squirt back in the day.  Look at those cheeks people. Just look at um.

I think cousin Isaac was showing us that he did not pinch her, regardless of her typical dramatic antics.

Dude and his cohort, Riley, walked to King Soopers a couple years back to buy food for a food drive. They carried those super heavy cans all the way up the hill.  Back in the day, this was a real feat for our little man.

A couple fun shots from my brother, Kyle and his lovely bride, Becky's wedding.  Just like the Beetles but with really nice legs.

Our Sakic dinner committee from work at our event last year.  Photo booth, courtesy of some of our besties, Shutterbooth.  Where am I?  Oh yea.  The floating head in the back.  With the really bad hair.

Our friend, Jayne, took this awesome shot of Dude and Brady at the Jansen cabin a couple years ago.  Had to share it.

Back in Chi-town last year with Tim's childhood posse's kids.  Can you tell which ones are twins?  Louis was the only child willing to hold the frog.  Can you tell how Dude felt about it?  

B-day happy hour with Maria and some of her best girls last year.  We kinda love our happy hours.  Have one scheduled for tomorrow.  No reason.  Just want to be happy.

This shot was taken at a luncheon for a local non-profit I'm investing some of my heart into.  The Enlighten Foundation does some remarkable work for women around the globe and I'm proud to be a part of their family.

Squirt is one lucky lady.  These two little beauties live within spitting range of our house.  Hads and DD are a year older, but they sure do make an impossibly darling little trio.

Random happy hour with my Eudora girls.  Did I mention we do this a lot?  

A couple weeks ago we attended an event for the National Down Syndrome Foundation.  Tim's work gave us 4 tickets, so the Sheas joined us for the festivities.  Our table was at the front, front, two feet from the presenter's nostrils.  Which meant we had an unbeatable view of Big Head Todd's performance.  And the charming and beautiful children that walked the runway during the fashion show.  It was an impressively fun and touching night.

The VIP after-party.  Boy did we feel important.  Dr. Cox from Scrubs was there too.  He has a nephew with Downs and acts as an ambassador for the foundation.

We purchased these big, pretty blue bottles at the silent auction.  It might take us 10 years to get through them, so feel free to pop over if you're ever in need of some infusions.

Last, I found this shot of my first day boarding the big yellow bus.  I wonder...did my mom grab at her heart the way I did when I watched the yellow beast swallow my sweet, innocent child?  Or did she do cartwheels that she no longer had to deal with my not so little attitude?