
Our 4th

I'm back.  Our trek across country is over and done, adoption camp is now complete (more on that later) and I'm very pleased to be sitting at my desk pouring over the photos taken over the past 3 weeks.  That's happiness to this Mama.  We'll start slowly with Fourth of July so as not to overwhelm my audience with 476 pictures.

If I remember correctly, we had a action packed weekend of random fun.  We were trying to pack it all in before Dude got on the plane for his week at "Camp Nana and Papa."

3rd of July - Fireworks with some neighbor friends at a local festival, aka TOTAL CLUSTER.  Next year we'll park our blanket in the empty field before you get to the herds of sweaty Coloradans. 

 A little Poke Mon card playing to fill the time.


Our 6th annual Liberty Hill 4th of July parade prep.  Big stuff.  

 The only reason I'm including this picture is because of her cheeks.  They take me back to baby Squirt and those moments are becoming few and far between. 


 Later that day we parked it at our pool bbq and volleyball tourney.  It was a rather awesome way to spend the day.  Tons of food, plethora of adult beverages, lifeguards to watch the children, adult conversation, relief from the heat, lifeguards to watch our children...

 How sassy is this guy?

 This good lookin' foursome (don't ask me how they got placed together) won top beach volleyball honors for the day.  

 Sand up her crack, cherry stains on her face, pool hair, a paper cup...what else could a 3 year old ask for in a day?

  4th of July, out.