
One Whole Hand, Minus One

Get outta here with this turning 4 business. Our sassy pants is nearing a whole hand old and we want to eat her up more now than ever before. She is vivacious, compassionate, bold, bashful, burbs like a man (on command), motherly, flexible and then definitely not flexible, hilarious, dramatic, in charge, cuddly and incredibly easy to love.  She keeps us on our toes, calls us out when we're being unreasonable or "so mean," and knows the exact millimeter to push on her brother's buttons. Our journey to becoming and acting as her parents has been filled with awe, grace, and joy.  She already has so much figured out and we are so blessed to help her walk through the rest of her life as her Mom and Dad.   

Happy Birthday sweet thang. I'm so so proud to be your "sweet Mama."