
Pancakes & PJ's

The big day of turning 2+2 was last Thursday.  I'm cherishing the fact that she's not yet a whole hand old.  She's still my baby in some senses of the word.  Not many.  These were her gifts from Nana and Papa.  Wrapped with love.  

You would think she opened a live pony, but pots and pans for her kitchen is a close second.

Scrambled eggs, made by our master breakfast make Dad.  Her very favorite.

And now for the main event. The next evening, 4 (minus a sick Molly) arrived in PJ's for the partaaaay.  Tim cooked pancakes, we doused them with sprinkles and fruit and maple syrup, we made fruit loop necklaces, we played "Pin the Pancake on the PJ's, Dude read the littles books about pancakes and we opened presents.  It was two hours of 4 year old fun and giggles.  Just what Squirt ordered.  

Per my Pinterest paroozing, I attempted to make the table resemble a bed.  A concept lost on everyone else, but maybe from this angle you can tell????

Dude is reading to the children.  They can't much see the pictures, thus why Lando chose to move up close and personal for a better view.

Oh Squirt.  

Lando could NOT get that darn pancake on the PJ's and he would not stop until he was victorious.

It was a fun week of celebrating our baby girl.  She's worth celebrating to the moon and back and then some.  Happy Birthday Punkster.