
Where Have We Been?

Two words to why I've completely neglected all blogging:  We're moving.  It happened like rapid fire and it's been a whirlwind ever since.  All of it is good - really good.  We're blessed, we're excited, we're eager to have a fresh start in a fresh house...but it's busy.  The nuts and bolts of this whole moving fiasco: We found a great house with a FOUR, you read that right, FOUR car garage just a half mile from our current house.  This new neighborhood is one that we've talked about wanting to move into for year in a "some day" kind of way.  It's a pool/tennis court community that sits right on the Highline Canal Trail system which runs for endless miles and it also sports an in-neighborhood trail system for the kids to ride their bikes without every crossing a street.  Beautiful.  The house started crazy high in asking price and came way down when the seller realized she was being ridiculous.  Thus, we got the place for a steal and sold our house for over asking price in just 8 hours. All of this to say we have money to spend on the new house, which is like spiked cotton candy for this designing loving Mama.  I'm having a field day with flooring, paint, lighting, tile, furniture selection...it's dreamy.  We close next week Tuesday on both properties and the contract work will begin Wednesday.  We move our children and dog in on Oct 3.  Whew.  For now, we pack.  And pack.  And pack some more.    

So forgive my lack of attention on highlighting my darling children.  They're still darling - most of the time. Some photo highlights from the end of summer to get me through until I have the brain power to write anything of note.