
Fall Catch Up

This is my time.  My happiest time of the year.  Glory shines everywhere you go during this marvelous season and I can't hold back the sap when I'm talking about it.  Sorry.  We've had some outdoor adventures worth blogging about, but I'll let the photos do most of the talking.

We'll start with our last day on the bus before we moved (sad for Dude but mostly for me as I'm now a taxi driver to and from school).  There are worse things, I know.

Weekend trip (planned pre-move) to Estes Park YMCA with our dear Mc Cabes.  Tons of fun, despite the raunchy cabin our family got placed in.  Dara and Jeff's little abode was much nicer, so that was our saving grace.  The kids had a blast making themselves puke on the tire swing, mini golfing, learning how to go on secret elk mission, swimming, horse back riding and hardly sleeping.  

 It's Elk season, which means these giants were EVERYWHERE.  They woke us up one night rubbing their racks on the side of our cabin.  And the bugling they were doing was rather amazing.

 Dude has found quite the special friend in this kid.  He loves our little man for all the quirks that make him who he is and cheers at the chance to get together and play.

 Jeff has had quite a go with a severe ankle injury.  We're hoping he's on the mend, but it's been slow going.

Uh huh....

The next weekend, my parents came for a week long visit, which was heavenly.  I needed the excuse the relax and not spend every waking minute decorating and unpacking.  They helped a TON with playing with the monkeys and doing odd jobs around the new pad.  Sure wish we had them here regularly.

 Our new neighbors across the street are fabulous.  They have 4 year old twins for Squirt to spend her days with and this precious little 3 month old lamb that we adore stealing every once in a while.  

 Not a great shot, but I love the cozy couch times we're able to spend in this house.  

And the NEXT weekend we spent in Colorado Springs with Tim's mom and Grandpa Marc.  They stayed at the Broadmoor, a vacation in and of itself.  We hung there all day swimming, bowling, exploring, getting a massage (thank you Mom) and golfing for Tim.  We stayed overnight near by and we all spent Sunday eating decadent food and touring Cave of the Winds.  We loved our weekend.  Thanks again guys!

 Dude journaled as we walked around the Broadmoor...writing things like:  "Gaze at beautiful red pot.  Walk down royal stair case.  Drink Izee.  Check out cool car."  Love this kid.  

After much internal debate over how much they liked being stuck in a cave, the kids ultimately decided it was cool and worth the trip.

Moving on to Halloween (the first part of it).  Dude's classroom party was, as always, chaos and overstimulating.  I always make sure I'm there to monitor his ability to remain in good standing among the craze.  He did great, but I was certainly ready to hit the road.  

 Our amazing principal.  How awesome is she?  

As a reward day for the school's Run for Funds day, Dude got the chance to do THIS.  The principal was there to capture it and send it to me.  Smiles. 

Backtracking to my parents visit and our walk through Hudson Gardens...

Done.  Hope you're loving Fall as much as we are.