
Celebrating Maria

We take neighbor relationships with us whenever we move.  And we move a lot, so we carry a long list of people from house to house.  One of our most precious longstanding neighbor ties is with the Sheas.  They lived across from us at our last house for 8 years.  We watched our kids grow up together, shared daily life, meals, ingredients, stories, tears, walked through loss and birth and everything in between.  It was rather heartbreaking when they moved just a mile away, but we followed in their footsteps shortly after. We've managed to stay in community, despite the lack of daily encounters.  Maria recently had a significant birthday so 2 other ex neighborhood mama friends I organized a surprise birthday celebration for her.  We set up our dining room table on the back patio and did our very best to make her feel like a princess for the night.  I think we succeeded.

Cheers Maria.  Happy happy birthday girl.

 All previous neighborhood lovelies.  God places us right where we wants us.  And I reap the benefit of amazing women like this as a result.