
A Bouquet of Beautiful Women & a Tiny Gift From God

I took a drive up to Evergreen last night to meet baby Olivia, the precious little gift given to our friends Jen, Tom & Tommy a couple weeks back through adoption. 2 weeks have now passed, meaning that parental rights are now officially granted!

Jen's amazing friends threw her a baby shower to top all baby showers. The miracle of this little girl set the stage for an awesome evening. The food was delicious, the atmosphere magical, the company warm and inviting and the presense of this tiny girl with huge brown eyes topped it all off. Jen told their story through tears and confirmed for all of us that through faith, anything is possible. Jen's Gram who passed away last February had told Jen that she would send them a little girl from heaven in February. On one of the last days of February Gram did just that. Olivia is a beautiful gift to their family...directly from heaven. How cool is that?