
Dude's First Hurricane

Ok...it's our first hurricane too. A few months ago, MomV & Marc asked us to come down to Gulf Shores to stay at the new house and introduce the dude to life at the white sandy beach. We couldn't turn them down, especially given the promise of home made seafood feasts. We arrived on Friday afternoon after our first successful layover with the dude. Our first day was spent swimming in an extremely calm ocean and playing on the pristine beach. The calm before the storm.

Today we woke up to cloudy skies, but warm temps. As we swam in the pool and walked around the wharf, other nut cases were boarding up their homes and storefronts, taking boats out of the water and packing their bags as if a hurricane was coming. Well, I guess it is. It started raining about an hour ago, but that's all the hype we've seen so far. The smoke alarms going off as we tried frying fish in the kitchen has caused more ruckus than Gustav, the friendly hurricane. It really was quite a sight. The alarm is directly outside the Dude's bedroom, making it sound like a fire truck was running through his bedroom. Marc is on a ladder, cutting wires simply to make it shut up, Mom and Tim are running around trying to find the code to quiet the system and I'm holding my finger over the electric current causing the constant beeping from the alarm box. Meanwhile, the dude slept. Never made a peep. Yet, us adults acted like the house was burning down and if we didn't quiet the alarm, we all would have evaporated into thin air. It was all worth it though...that was the best fish to be had in the state of Alabama.

Back to the hurricane....We'll see what tomorrow brings....we won't be able to get home for sure, but are planning on flying out of Pensacola on Tuesday morning, connecting through Houston and calling it a day. We'll post more info with photos when we get back to the Mile High City. But for all those terribly worried about our well being and safety, please don't fret. We'll continue to enjoy fresh seafood on the deck, watch 24 hours of Gustav coverage, laugh at all the crazy people fleeing the area and weather this hurricane yet.