
I Was Tagged

Normally I wouldn't sit down to write a blog about myself, but I was tagged (twice) to write 5 random things that my blog audience might not already know about me. Here is goes.
  1. I despise the process of moving and swear after every move that this it IT. I will NEVER pack another box again. Yet, I currently find myself cleaning the house for another showing this evening. Realtor.com has become my closest cyber space compadre and we already have the house picked out that we'll purchase once this bad boy sells.

  2. I still find myself waking up in the middle of the night, jumping out of bed, pounding on Tim and asking where the dude is. You see, when you all the sudden have a baby in your house, with 7 days warning, you freak out from time to time. Tim will then wake up and start crawling around on the floor, lifting up pillows and clothes to find him. Eventually we wake up enough to realize that he's in his crib sound asleep, as he has been every single time. The kid has never slept in our room once. Yet, we continue (I continue) to believe that he's stuck under the pile of pillows.

  3. I can wiggle my ears. No explanation needed...see video below. I typically don't draw much attention to them since I've been told my entire life that I look like Dumbo, so count yourself lucky to be viewing the source of one of my childhood insecurities.

  4. I have an oval-shaped birthmark on my right shoulder that everyone thought was a huge hickey my whole life. I never did understand who uses the shoulder as a hot spot for "gettin' it on," but whatever.

  5. I went through a few phases growing up that some of you might find surprising. My favorite T-shirt for a couple years read "The Mo Colors the Mo Better." That coupled with knowing every lyric to "Gangsta's Paradise" made me the whitest home girl in town. (Side note...I can still recite every word to that legendary song). Following this phase was a heavy metal theme. We'll just stop there.

Who's that hottie? That would be me...during the "home girl" phase. Denim on denim. Can't go wrong! And the other hottie is BJ Armstrong, previously mentioned in a post as the man I would fall asleep staring at every night. Proof.

We'll end there. Thank you to my hubby for helping me construct this awe inspiring list of randomness.


Cara S. said...

Yes, yes, and thank you very much. I think I knew most everything already (I'd better), but the picture and video depicting your quirkiness are priceless!

Sweet Home Colorado said...

sweet. that's all i have to say.