When I was in Junior High I was a rock star on my biddy basketball team. My 5'8" 13 year old frame would be planted in the middle of the zone -gangly arms up straight, either stuffing shots or laying them in the hoop. I didn't have to move really, which was good since I looked like a drunk ostrich when I ran.
Come Sophomore year of High School, I realized that my glory days were long gone. My knees knocked (still do) when I ran and I often had bruises on my rump from my feet kicking it with each graceful stride. I put basketball (and any other sport requiring running) behind me and never looked back. Until I learned of the NCAA Basketball Tournament. You mean I can get involved in basketball without making a fool of myself AND potentially win a bunch of money? I'm in!
I'm not going to toot my own gambling horn as of yet....BUT....I did want to encourage all of my loyal blog stalkers to root for Michigan State tonight in the NCAA Basketball Championship game. Gambling is really the only incentive to get me interested in sports throughout the year. Mainly because I have a knack for going with my "gut" and making picks that bring me small wads of cash. My luck continues! See below for my work pool bracket picks...and for those who don't follow this tourny, note that I picked the two teams playing tonight to go all the way. If Michigan State wins, I take home $300 in cold cash. If North Carolina wins, my bud Zar takes home the prize.
GO STATE! Yes Mom, if I win, I'll donate 10% of my earnings to charity. If I win, we all win.
What the bracket says is that Michigan State and North Caroline will be in the finals with STATE winning the Championship.
You should have seen the look on Wes's face when I told him you picked the top two...we'd except nothing less. Good luck!
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